Early Childhood Entry Requirements

  • ASM offers 2 years of Early Childhood (EC) before students can begin Kindergarten.
  • Students entering Early Childhood’s year 1 must be 3 years old by August 31st before entering our 1st year. They must be socially and emotionally ready to relate appropriately to their peers and able to participate in a full day of learning activities.
  • To start school, children must be able to use the bathroom without adult assistance, meaning they must be able to undress themselves, use the toilet autonomously, and wash their hands. Children must also be self-aware enough to know when to use the bathroom without reminders.
  • Students entering our Early Childhood Unit need to be able to eat independently before the date of entry.
  • After the first two weeks of school, students who are unable to meet the above criteria consistently will be required to stay home for a period of one month to work on improving these skills. At that point, they may re-enter the class for further evaluation.
  • All children and parents are required to attend parent-teacher meetings at least one day before the student’s first day of school to ensure the student’s entrance is as smooth as possible.

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