
Health Office

Bridging Care and Safety Across Campus

ASM’s Health Office, conveniently situated on the first floor of the main hall between the elementary and upper school, is staffed by two full-time nurses dedicated to the well-being of our students. Our nursing staff is involved in school life, attending sports tournaments and coordinating annual athletic assessments with the school’s doctor. Furthermore, they provide invaluable assistance to parents seeking specialist medical services, including pediatricians, audiologists, ophthalmologists, and orthopedists, highlighting our commitment to the health and safety of our ASM community.

Student Health and Well-being

Our Services

At ASM we believe that student social, emotional, and physical well-being are of critical importance and are foundational to student academic achievement. The School Nurses contribute to these goals by:

  • Providing preventive and curative services to the school community.
  • Providing health-promoting education and services.
  • Serving as a liaison between parents, teachers, administration, and outside healthcare providers.

Providing opportunities for on-campus exams for athletic medical certificates with E.K.G. (Certificato non agonistico) for students involved in ASM’s after-school sports.

Parent Responsibilities

Parents are responsible for making sure the following medical records are current and submitted to the school nurse:

Your child’s medical file in PowerSchool, including:

  • Parents complete the health assessment upon admission to the school. (renewed if necessary*)  
  • The medical certificate (non-agonistic) with E.K.G. is renewed every year.
  • Your child’s immunization records.
  • Any medical conditions, allergies, significant past medical history, or information if your child takes medications regularly. The Nurses’ Office must have this information available in our confidential school records.
Attendance Policy for Illness

Please keep your child at home and notify the School Nurse if any of the following symptoms or signs are present:

  • A fever (37.5 C or 99.5 F and above). Those who develop a temperature while at school will be sent home. The student can return to school after they have been without a fever for at least 24 hrs.
  • Diarrhea (2 or more times per day).
  • Vomiting (2 or more times).
  • Symptoms of or a positive diagnosis of infectious diseases such as Chickenpox, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Meningitis, COVID-19, etc. (such students should stay home and receive consultation from a medical provider. They need a medical note clearing them to return to school)
  • After five days of consecutive absences, a medical certificate is required to return to school.

Other conditions that should lead you to keep your child home from school include

  • Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) Information: Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin, clear tissue that covers the white part of the eye and lines the inside of the eyelid. If you suspect that your child has conjunctivitis, please keep them at home and consult your Doctor. Conjunctivitis caused by bacteria or viruses can spread easily from person to person. However, if diagnosed and treated promptly, it is not a serious health risk.
  • Cough and Cold Guidance: A child with a minor cough or cold may attend school. However, if the cold is accompanied by a fever, shivering, drowsiness, or a heavy, runny nose, the child should remain at home. Please consult your Doctor and allow your child to return to school 24 hours after they start to feel better or after being fever-free for at least 24 hours. If your child has a more severe or persistent cough, consult your healthcare provider for guidance on whether they should stay home from school.
  • Sore Throat Advice: A mild sore throat alone doesn’t have to keep a child from school. But if a raised temperature accompanies it, your child should stay home.
  • Head Lice Information: Head lice are tiny insects that feed on blood from the human scalp. An infestation of head lice, known as pediculosis capitis, most commonly affects children and usually occurs through the direct transfer of lice from one person’s hair to another. It’s important to note that a head lice infestation is not a sign of poor personal hygiene or an unclean living environment. Additionally, head lice do not carry bacterial or viral infectious diseases.

You may not always be aware of a lice infestation. However, common signs and symptoms include

  • Itching on the scalp, neck, and ears.
  • Although visible lice are small, they move quickly and tend to avoid light, making them hard to spot.
  • Lice eggs (nits) attached to hair shafts. Nits can be difficult to see because of their tiny size but are often easiest to find around the ears and the hairline at the back of the neck.

If your child shows signs of a lice infestation, please keep them at home and treat the infestation with an appropriate lice treatment. Your child may return to school once the lice have been completely eliminated.

Medication Policy

If your child needs to take medication during school hours as prescribed by their health care provider, please inform the School Nurse in writing. Make sure to drop off the medication at the Nurse’ Office, clearly labeled with your child’s name and directions for how the medication should be administered.

Please be aware that

  1. Medication may not be dispensed without parents’ consent.
  2. All medication will be kept in the School Nurses’ office to be administered by the School Nurse. In case of an asthma inhaler, students can keep it in their backpack, however, school nurses and the teacher should be informed.
  3. The medication Release Form is available here and is necessary to complete in order for the medication to be dispensed.
Required Vaccinations

Required vaccinations, according to Italian law (119/2017), include:

  • Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis vaccine (DTaP, TDaP, DTP, or TD)
  • Hepatitis B vaccine
  • Haemophilus influenzae Type B conjugate vaccine (HiB)
  • Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine (MMR)
  • Polio vaccine (OPV or IPV)
  • Chickenpox vaccine FOR THOSE BORN AFTER 2017
Allergies and Chronic Conditions

Please ensure your child’s health records indicate any allergies and/or chronic conditions that need attention or support at school.

It is important that relevant teachers and health staff be informed of critical allergies and that any medications for allergic reactions (i.e., EpiPen) or asthma (i.e., Albuterol) be dropped off at the Nurse’s Office.

Policy for Students Visiting the Health Office
  • Students in class should ask for the teacher’s permission to go to the Nurse’ Office if they feel unwell.
  • Frequent visits to the health office will be communicated to relevant staff and subsequently to the family.
  • Nurses will evaluate the necessary time for a student to stay in the health office.
  • Nurses assess whether a student needs to eat during class time.

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